Rio Grande Hematology and Oncology is a building that houses specialize medical offices for the diagnose and treatment of cancer and blood diseases. With the oncology clinic located on the first floor, it houses several exam rooms and medical offices along with a main CT-Scan, equipment, and control room. CT-Scan rooms represent several MEP design challenges going from special power requirements, selection of shielded/non-metal lighting fixtures and equipment to the high ventilation and air conditioning requirements for the mechanical room serving the CT-Scan. In addition, the second floor of this building includes a Compounding Pharmacy that meet the full requirements for USP 800 certification. This certification has specific and stringent requirements for mixing and produce custom strengths, dosages and forms of medication that are not readily available off-the-shelf. Among these requirements include the utilization of special ventilation equipment for proper air quality, custom pressurization of the pharmacy areas and narrow humidity and temperature requirements for the preparation of the medications.