Taconeta is an out of ordinary Mexican Taqueria that has been featured in by many publications to include “TexasMonthly” September 2021 issue. Taconeta is a taqueria that brings to life the central Mexico taqueria flavors using the highest quality of ingredients. The food is also emphasized by the building's architecture that mixes industrial looks with Mexican architectural elements. It is worth mentioning that the Taconeta won El Paso AIA 2021 Design Honor Award for Interior/Tenant Improvent category. Among the MEP Design challenges for this project includes the full upgrade of the plumbing and electrical utilities for this and the other tenants in the same building that includes a Lawyer Firm, Architectural Firm/Virtual Office, and other lease spaces. In addition, providing the proper lighting fixtures and lighting levels for an adequate ambiance to the building to blend with the Mexican architectural accents was a significant challenge.